What are the Benefits using this tool:
Allows you set set the paths for – Forum URL, Forum Directory, Sources Directory, Attachment Directory, Avatar URL, Avatar Directory, Smileys URL, Smileys Directory, Default Theme URL, Default Theme Images URL, and Default Theme Directory and Custom Theme Directories. This tool also allows you to fix your database such as MySQL server address, MySQL database name, MySQL username, MySQL password, and MySQL table prefix.
1. Download repair_settings.php
2. Upload it to your forum, putting it in the same directory as your settings.php file
3. Navigate to your browser and point it to http://mydomain.com/repair_settings.php
You should see something like below:
4. This script allows you to change the most important settings such as MySQL information, file paths and urls, and can be used when SMF is not working at all. That is what it is mostly used for: repairing your SMF enough so that an admin user can login and fix any other problems.
5. Once you have finished updating, click save settings.
6. Remember to delete the file. If you do not delete the file, you will leave your forum vulnerable!