How to Show or Hide Hidden Files in Mac

1. Open Terminal

Shortcuts to open Terminal:

Command + Space Bar then type "Terminal"
Command + Shift + U and Open "Terminal"

2. To Show the Hidden Files type the following code and Enter:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE && killall Finder

3. To Hide the Hidden Files type the following code and Enter:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE && killall Finder

4. Finish

How to enable audio from television through HDMI or optical Digital Out Port

Hi guys, are having some trouble enabling your television audio through your HDMI? Here’s a little tips for you.

By Default (Before connecting to television) your Audio Output is selected to Internal Speakers or Line Out. However if you already connect to a television it will not automatically change the output of your audio unless you manage to switch it manually.

Knowing that you have already connected your Mac to your television.

1. Go to System Preferences

3. Go to Sounds and click  Output and select device for your sound output:

-Select Digital Out if your audio is connected through Optical Digital Out Port.
-Select HDMI or the name of your television if you want to use television's speaker.
-Select Internal Speakers if you want to use your computer's speaker.

4. Check your audio and Finished!